Wednesday 18 December 2019

Seasonal Hobby Chatter

Welcome back wanderer, come get warm by the fire.

At this time of year my hobby time becomes limited as I start to prepare for the season. Shopping, decorating, wrapping gifts, socialising and celebrating takes up a fair chunk of my spare time. Not to mention all the eating and drinking that my tummy expects. 

Back in 2018 I felt that I didn’t paint many figures. So this year I kept a tally of my hobby work. The numbers are in....

Figures painted: 64

Figures reworked: 27

Terrain finished: 22

Terrain reworked: 5

Vehicles finished: 5

Vehicles reworked: 1

Not too shabby I think. Over 1 figure painted per week - not great but still a decent amount. Well, better than nothing anyway. Maybe next year I will aim at 100 figures. Or 104 to be exact. 

I seem to have reworked a figure at a rate of one every two weeks and finished a terrain item every two and a half weeks. 

Funny, if asked I would have said I didn’t do too much. But I have done more than I realised. It makes me curb the feelings of frustration when looking at the unpainted pile.

One thing I like about this time of year is some time to slow down and a chance to make plans or work on ideas. One thing I may do to keep hobby churning out in 2020 is to play Hobby Bingo. You may not be familiar with it but you take a blank Bingo card and fill it with hobby related targets. Like a conventional game of bingo you cross them off as you achieve them. The aim is to complete a card and hopefully have a productive year. 

Next year I hope to get a new gang or two into the wastelands, build further hotwheels based death machines and do some more work on my neglected 15mm Sci Fi setting. Who knows I may even try something new. 

Hobby wise next year may present some new challenges time wise. So it will be interesting to see what I get made or painted.

I will be back with a post or two before the new year, stay tuned!

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy your holiday season. 

Stay safe and warm out there wanderer.

Cheers 🍻🍻

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