Hello and welcome back to my blog.
Let me introduce to some new additions to the Last City.
First up - the (matt) Black Guard - the elite power armoured troops of the Matt Black Authority. Thanks to their power armour they can easily soak up small arms fire while wielding heavy weapons as if they weighed nothing. These warriors can raise a compound in minutes.
These figures are Space Rangers supplied by EM4. They are the only figures I have painted so far. There are more figures to add to the Black Guard force in the pipeline.
All the rest of the figures in this post are other people’s reworks, although only one of them was painted by me.
Late last year I got a lot of well painted old Necromunda figures cheaply from evil bay. This lot has given me the chance to quickly create new gangs and characters for the Last City. As I bonus all I had to do was base them.
Oggie’s crew:
Oggie was exploring around Last City’s green zone, a wild jungle of strange plants. The tales say a bio weapon hit the zone and it caused the plant life to grow in strange and rapid ways. Even humble house plants have become huge and twisted. Stories tell of he plants acting in a intelligent manner.

In the distance he spotted a hill covered in lush green plants. Forcing his way up the hill through the plants Oggie discovered an overgrown warehouse and factory. The plants seemed to be growing from these partial ruins. Pushing his way into the factory Oggie discovered that the plants were stored and processed there before the wars. They had mutated into a faster growing and more robust plant. After some experimentation he found that these “Baccy” plants were still good to smoke. Oggie and his crew set up base in what is now known as Baccy Hill and are now the Last City’s only supplier of cigs, cigars and pipe weed. The baccy has proven popular as it is something else to take the edge off life on Mattblackgod’s World. Oggie and his crew have grown wealthy on their trade.

Iron Lord:

Iron Lord is a successful pit fighter appearing in the Mars arena regularly and is regarded as a sports hero across the city. He specialises in fighting ghouls and beasts but will happily take on the criminals who end up in the Mars Arena. Iron Lord wears heavy armour (which is mainly the exterior of a scavenged power armoured suit) as he likes to take on large numbers of beasts/criminals or the larger nastier critters. He dreams of glory in the arena and he hopes one day to face a Ambull in the pit.
The Machinists cult:
The Machinists cult is obsessed with cyber argumentation and improvement. They think that mankind can only survive if they merge with machines. The less human and more machine, the closer to holiness and higher the rank within the cult. Many cult members are a strange mix of human, scavenged power armour parts, robot parts and everyday post apocalyptic machines. Their “temple” is a old argumentation hospital a few days walk from the last city. The cult is considered too weird for the Last City and are banned from the city. That doesn’t stop new recruits trying to find converts on the roads to the city.

This group is a mid level machinist cultist and low level cultists are typically found on the roads near the city. Another job of these teams is to find old robots, androids, power armour, machines and bring them back to the temple. These machines are then cannibalised for future argumentation.
I have extra figures to add to this cult, mainly from Ramshackle Games.
Colin Robinson:
“Hey, you can’t park THAT there!”
Introducing Colin Robinson, the Last City’s only Traffic Warden. The Authority do not like vehicles blocking roads vital to defence of the outer junk walls. They needed someone to to help keep the roads clear and something to keep Colin Robinson busy.

Colin Robinson carries a autopistol because the Last City isn’t a real civilisation like the old days. Things turn ugly quickly and in the blink of a eye you are in a fire fight with a group of psychos angry at the ticket you just slapped on their old jalopy. Old Colin isn’t stupid though, he only slaps tickets when there is a squad of Future Guard or Black Guard nearby to back him up.
The figure is a old repaint of mine. I just changed the hat band colour to yellow (a traditional colour for U.K. traffic wardens up to the millennium). The figure is a soviet commissar from a WWW2 line (Westwind?). I named him after the energy vampire character in the “What we do in the shadows” TV show. If there was ever a job suited to a energy vampire, a traffic warden is it.
Thanks for looking. Stay safe out there.