Hello and welcome back,
The Igorts are a mutant clan from deep in the wastelands who now live in Last City, running a very successful vehicle building and repair business. Orginally discovered by a long range Last City Scout who was returning from a mission, after breaking down several days march from home. As he settled down in his vehicle for the night (crossing the wastelands in the dark is incredibly dangerous as there are many "things" looking for food) he heard noises. Upon seeing a mob of mutants flocking around his vehicle, the Scout fled to a safe distance fearing they wanted it for themselves. He was amazed to see the mutants fixing his vehicle up. After a while the mutants gingerly approached the scout. The Scout was ready to run, as the mutants appeared to be augmented and huffed on horrific looking pipes inserted into their mouths. Speech from the Igorts was largely unintelligible being muffled grunts and gargles, but the Scout eventually figured they were friendly and gesturing to his vehicle.

Taking a risk and trying no to show any fear, the Scout sauntered up to his vehicle. Upon inspection (followed by excited, if somewhat muffled whoops from the Igorts) he was amazing to find his vehicle not only repaired, but serviced and improved somewhat (although the Scout wasn't sure about the addition of the pink fluffy dice). The Scout realised that these unconventional mechanics would be an asset to the Last City. He explained (somehwat slowly) that his home had lots of different vehicles and machinery to repair and maintain, news which seemed to excite his mechanic saviours (there was a lot of hooting of the word "Igort" from the mutant Blackthumbs). It took very little persuasion to get the Igorts to return to the Last City. The Igorts seem to love working on anything mechanical with a feavour that looks to be the reward itself. If you point them at a pile of scrap they happily dive in and start building or repairing. These mutants have proven to be cheaper than hiring Squats, more stable than Trog Mek Boys and far more honest & relaible than using Grots (who usually steal everything not bolted down before vanishing into the wastelands). Igorts seem to have no names and refer to each other as "Igort", leading to speculation that that is their word for themselves or possibly they are some sort of hive creature. In fact "Igort" appears to be a word that has hundreds of different meanings. They seem to randomly hoot the word. The Igorts have built, maintained and repaired all manner of machines across Last City and have received freedom of the city from Mattuis Black himself (which means no taxes upon entering or leaving the city and they can enter the Black City) for repairs to old power armour, weapons and vehicles. This doesn't mean he won't have them shot if they appear to be a threat to the Last City in any way.
Today the Igorts have a workshop and scrapyard on the edge of the Mutant (shanty) District of Mootle. They receive payments of scrap, junk, fuels and gases in return for their services. Despite the Irgorts disturbing appearance, thier mechanical prowess has made them popular figures in the Last City.
The arrival of the Igorts at the Last City seems to be the first occurance of them arriving in the wastelands. Reports have come back to Mattuis Black that the city of Hamsterdam in the Freepeoples Wastes (to the North) now have a Igort working for them. The question is, is there more Igorts out there? If so where are they coming from? Questions to the Igorts about thier origin just leads to blank looks, as if they do not understand the question or concept.
The Igorts are Mechanics figures by Macrocosm miniatures and were a lot of fun to paint.
Thanks for looking, take care out there.