Hello and Welcome back,
"One Eye" Odgie was originally from the town of Graceville in a territory known as the Freepeoples Wilds, which lies to the North of the Last City Wastes. Upon hearing the legends about the famous Baron Freedom, far to the south of the territory, the young Odgie set out to join the Baron's battle against the raiders seeking to destroy the settlements of the Wastelands. By the time he reached the City of Hamsterdam, the city joined Freedomville and the mutants of Doom Valley to form the Freepeoples Confederacy. Odgie signed up and served as a soldier for many years, battling many raiders and other threats, losing a eye in the process.

In this time many more settlements and towns signed up to the Confederacy, enjoying the mutual protection, peace and trade opportunities the alliance offered. In recent years the Hamsterdam council had decided to form the Freepeoples Rangers (just known as the Rangers) to patrol the Wilds between the settlements and help deal with threats to the Confederacy members. As a grizzled veteran with decades of experience Odgie was asked to lead the Rangers.Although the Rangers HQ is Hamsterdam, Odgie decided to set up a base many days march away on the western coast of the Wilds, reusing a old abandoned legendary wasteland fortress known as "Vali's Fortress". This base is used for training and is a stronghold incase there is a major invasion of the wilds, such as the one made by the Kraptoidiots corporation back in the early days of Hamsterdam and Freedomville.
The Odgie figure is a old 40K RT pirate figure I found on ebay.
Thanks for looking, stay safe out there.