Monday, 18 February 2013

In to the Tunnels....pt1

I have started a NY3K mini campaign heavily influenced by the Metro2033 book and computer game. so grab a brew, get comfy and enjoy!! 

and if you spot the deliberate spelling will get a rat on a stick....autocorrect is a pain in the keyboards!! 

Monday, 11 February 2013

A jolly day out!! - Batrep!

Its 1889!! Time for a little VSF action on Mars!! This is my first run with the GASLIGHT rules. Actually it is the first time out for my VSF minis and terrain too!
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My Martians need some serious reinforcements especially if they are going up against factions armed with firearms.

I found the rules easy to play and good fun. I need together some crazy steam appliances for the next game.

Sunday, 10 February 2013

Battle for Cat Howl Station.

This is my second game with my 15mm toys. This time I had a camera ready to on with the fun!!

It was a fun game. The only thing I find to be an issue is the 15mm figures are a bit fiddley for me to play with, with my fat sausage fingers. They dont photo too well during a game either in my opinion. 

I am going to hang fire on my 15mm project until I have a few more games under my belt. Lets see if I get used to the size of the figures.