Wednesday 19 June 2019

The outhouse.

Hello there, welcome back.

Every settlement or town needs a outhouse or dunny. Some might say that settlements need more than one of these. What extravagance! When I was a wee wastelander we had to go in a hole in the ground and hope something nasty isn’t lurking nearby to catch you unawares.

This resin hut is by Ramshackle Games.

Thanks for looking and don’t forget to flush. 


  1. Well looks like I need to make a ramshackle order

  2. I feel like the heart is misleading! Looks great though mate!

  3. No postapoc game may ever be complete without the outhouse!

  4. Ramshackle has some gems hiding in their catalogue for sure. A flush toilet sounds to be the height of luxury in the wastes.
