Hello there Wanderer and welcome back to this little haven in the wastelands of the internet. I am serving up a little bit of terrain in this here blog.
Back in Rubbleborg something catches Smash and Grab’s attention.
“Look Grab, the gun thingy is now looking over the wall”
“How the hell? Ok Smash, look innocent unless you want to be filled with big holes”
“Stop whistling Smash, no one innocent ever whistles”
“Now stop twitching”
Once through the gate Smash and Grab look up to see the new tower.

Inspired by the scaffolding of Ramshackle Games Curtis’ builds I thought I would give it a go. I have been wanting to put some heavy weapons on the fortress walls for a while. Now out in the wastelands grows a form of bamboo which grows incredibly quickly. The wastelanders have discovered this material is handy for all manner of building projects.
The poles are bamboo skewers. An old CD was dug out as a base. Various glues was used to attach them. PVA or hot glue works best. I started putting the ropes to tie them together from brass wire used for hanging pictures. This proved difficult to wrap around the joints. Liberating some copper wire from a scrap electrical flex I found it made better rope. It wraps easier than brass. Spots of pva glue was added just to reinforce the joints. Half way up the tower I added some flooring made from old gift cards.
The tower has been left separate from the gun bunker deliberately so I can use the tower for other things. Either as fortress wall access, sniper platform or access to some other high level point.
In all a fun little project, a little time consuming but it involved some new model making ideas to me. The biggest problem I had building this was keeping my two cats Toffee and Dixie from stealing and playing with the skewers. They think they are brilliant toys.
Thanks for looking. Take care out there.
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