Welcome back to my blog Wanderer. Today we are looking at another long established settlement on mattblackgod’s World - Aerocity
Aerocity is a mishmash of hangers, terminal building, old vehicle wrecks and abandoned aircraft converted into buildings all contained behind a defensive scrap wall in what was a old airport. There is electricity, lights, bars, workshops, an arsenal and black thumb/Mek garages. The central control tower of the airport is the hub of command & defence. It has a lookout/sniper nest built on top it.
When the end came refugees fleeing the firestorm hid in an nearby airport. It seemed to be the only place to have any shelter for them. It soon became apparent that the airport had lots of useful resources for the survivors. Materials, shelter, abandoned luggage, fuel, tools and more. It wasn’t long until other smaller bands of survivors hiding there (mostly made up of airport/hanger/airline personnel) joined the new arrivals. In the weeks that followed they used the airport machinery to build barricades while covered by their comrades using looted airport security weapons.

The strong arm of Aerocity
As time went on they sent teams to salvage weapons and kit from the ruins. Food was grown in planters on roof tops, while the contaminated airfield was sown for fuel producing crops. The city even has a small orchard providing apples, almonds and olives. Water is collected from atmospheric water distillers constructed across the site. The city uses all manner of aircraft bits to generate power.
Aerocity trades with scavengers and traders for items they may need. The city has metals, parts, fuel, weapons, reconditioned oils and vehicles are items they have to trade.

Tactical squad deploys. T markings on the helmets. Squad No1 as marked on the shoulder pads.
The city has grown since it was first founded with a estimated population of 450. The walls have been moved at least twice to accommodate the growing population. There is a outsider compound where traders and travellers can trade and stay without entering the city proper. This provides the residents a rare sense of security. The compound is watched and any trouble is met with a heavy hand. Squads of Aerocity warriors wearing old body armour look like something from the old times patrol the walls and gates. They employ a Big un to provide extra muscle. The massive flak cannon he carries tends to make people behave.
There is stories about the faction owning a fearsome flame thrower war rig (possibly an converted 6 wheel airport fire engine), an actual working oldworld medium tank and some operational light aircraft. These may just be stories possibly generated to keep various Warlord’s hordes away.

The assault squad deploys. A markings on their helmets. This is Squad No2 as marked on the shoulder pads.
The Aerocity guards are old plastic 40K RT 1st ed era imperial guard with later 40k arms/weapons. I picked them up from eBay. I touched the figures up. An old plastic combat zone trooper with some putty shoulder pads Is also added. The 40K RT IG medic is also a rework I got from eBay.

The sniper is a metal grenadier figure recruited from older retired faction. The Ogryn acts as support.
The plans are to grow this faction with extra rag tag units. I have been on a Oldhammer kick as such I have a handful of the metal versions of the old 1st ed 40k Imperial Guard , some very early IG figures (same helmet but different armour and 2 piece uniform) and mercenaries/pirates and adventures. Any unit shortfalls will get figures I have from other lines, just to mix it up.
Thanks for looking, stay safe out there.
Very nice. I have a much too soft spot for Ogryns.
ReplyDeleteFab job. Got to love those classic ogryn's