Hello and welcome back Wanderer.
I have been working on some terrain lately.
First up is a quick wasteland ruin. What it was, nobody knows. From this distance it looks pretty intact.

This model started life as a card packing piece from some electrical item.

It had a couple of cut outs which ruined the lines. My choices where to cover them up or do something with them. I made a rough looking doorway out of one, the other became a nasty looking hole. A bit of gift car makes a nice bit of detail above the door.

After trimming the reinforcing edge off the packing piece I glued to the model some thick cardboard to reinforce the structure. Chimneys/exhaust stacks where added from old plastic drinking straws left over from the Triple tower rework.

Seems legit.
After a black undercoat the whole model got a slightly gritting textured paint. Then it was sprayed with grey primer. A heavy white dry brush then brought out the detail. Heavy rust colours (dark browns and oranges) was added to the pipes. After which the model got a couple of dark brown washes. A little detail graffiti was added to finish it off.A quick and easy model.

My old city/fortress gates recently got a rework. Looking through the model collection I noticed a corner piece of the walls had sustained damaged (when a shelf collapsed). After a bit of repair work and some new detail on the wall top, the whole model was coated in light grey.

A heavy white dry brush followed. The compulsory black and dark brown washes followed. The metalwork had new paint too. After which some new graffiti was added. I have some tamyia effects so I tried getting some nice rust wash off the metal plates on the top of the wall. It is quite subtle but looks effective. A quick coat of Matt varnish was added to seal the weathering. Finished - another rework added to the pile.

Over ten years ago I was heavily inspired by the Stalker computer games. As such I made lots of abandoned industrial terrain to recreate the battles on the tabletop. Fast forward to me checking the model collection ready to go to BYOL 18 and I found that the plates on top of this model had warped. I removed them to rework the piece.

Originally the model was made from a CD as a base, 4 plastic bottle tops, 4 Yakut bottles and some scraps of diamond pattern plastic card to make the walkways.

18 months later I finally got my finger out. Scraps of gift card made up the new walk ways. One thing my models don’t have enough of is human remains, so a old citadel plastic skeleton was added to the base. A quick paint job and this is ready to return to the wastelands.

Thanks for looking, take care out there Wanderer.
Great looking terrain!