Hello and welcome back,
It’s taken me a few weeks but I have finally got this lot finished. Introducing the Immortals.
The immortals bandit clan were once the usual run of the mill wasteland bandits. Until they were “sponsored” by a high tech enclave to fight for them who supplied weapons and kit. Once the dirty work was done the enclave turned on the Immortals.
The remains of the bandit clan fled into the desert regions taking the weapons and equipment the enclave supplied with them. The wandering clan eventually found an abandoned old world facility.
Several decades later the Immortals have grown in numbers and spread across the region holding many old facilities around the desert regions. They love old tech and are producing their own experimental bits of kit.

The immortals are from several lines many of which I suspect are by GZG. They came in a box gifted by a friend a few years ago.
The clan is very disciplined, has a martial ethos and structure. Immortals believe in dying in battle and have a strong honour system. Failed or disgraced warriors are expected to publicly pay the dishonour with blood and minor body parts which they have to administer themselves. For serious failures they are expected to commit suicide publicly.
Captives are often tortured usually to death, unless they are lucky enough to be needed for barter.

The Immortals have a strained relationship with the township of Oasis which lies in their turf. The Immortals provide extra “security” for the small town as they need the township for trading. The locals although not pleased with the presence of the Immortals in their town, they are happy as they don’t have the mutant and bandit problems other townships have.
Next for for my 15mm project will be some character figures, just to keep my interest going.
Thanks for looking and take care out there.