Hello out there!
Back in the midsts of time, in the year 2018 there was a group project on the Oldhammer forum to create “Star Bastards”. The aim was to create a rag rag groups of Space Marines that had spent their entire lives caught up on the front line. As front line units they should have mismatched, patched up armour and equipment. The plan was to have them ready for Bring Your Own Lead 18 where a mass battle was planned as they invaded Helsreach for some RnR.

As I like to use all my figures for my Post Apocalyptic setting Mattblackgod’s world I was going to rebrand them as the “Bunker Bustards” and have them as a team of bunker raiders, hence all the cool kit they sport. They will still see action on Mattblackgod’s world in this function.

Assembly begun but sadly I couldn’t get them finished in time for BOYL 18. They sat languishing in a box until last year when I finished assembly and conversion. There was a deep bits box raid grabbing heads and parts from many 3rd party bits suppliers. I even managed to get them primed.
This figure was a metal beakie marine. I carefully shaved the mask off and trimmed a Iron Pig head to fit into the hole. I hated the pose of the original figure (a Rhino rider) so I lopped the offending arm off and replaced it with a spare plastic arm.
Early this year I begun to see blog posts by about the forthcoming Stargrave game. I realised these guys would make great Space Pirates for Stargrave. I ditched the military colours and rust pain scheme I had planned and went for something more (40K) Space Mariney. As these guys are pirates I went for a mismatched colour scheme with a fair bit of owner customisation & graffiti. The shoulder pads have a stylised skull and crossbones painted on them.
The guy on the left has a later Space Wolves head and a set of mechanical legs intended for a Ork. I can’t recall the manufacturer. The guy on the right has a aftermarket head and a wolf pelt from the space wolves.
The figures are all classic Space Marines that I have converted. Mainly plastics with a metal figure thrown in.

The dude with the skull face mask is a old favourite of mine, painted back in the midsts of time (c1988) with the old update over the decades. He is intended as the gang’s leader.
Thanks for reading and stay safe out there.