Sunday, 2 March 2025

Hobby Progress, February 2025

 Hello and Welcome back, 

Time for my monthly hobby Progress report for February. Again spare time has been short and my hobby mojo has been a bit hit and miss this month. As well as the usual drains on my time and "help" from my feline supervisors, I have been furiously getting my motorbike ready for its MOT next month and the arrival of biking weather.

I managed to finish the bases on the figures left over from last year. Hopefully I will get a chance to run the next episode of my 5 Parsecs campaign as they were painted for that. 

In addtion I have also painted Ramshackle games Werid War desperate trench crew. With a bit of luck, I will have some Blog posts written for all these figures soon. 

In addition I have a bunch of old Eldar figures on the paint table which will become GELF pirates for my Wild Galaxy setting. There has been some work converting dwarf figures to make a gang for the Big Red Mining company for the Skirm game. 

Terrain wise, I finished painting a pair of TT combat mdf Power Generators. 

The only figure purchased this month was a lone metal 40k RT era guardsman. The ones that had the separate plastic arms. As he has no arms, I am thinking of adding some Stargrave parts.

The order from Ramshackle hasn't arrived yet. But then given the avalanche of work Curtis got last month, I am not expecting them any time soon as he clears the backlog. 

Figures finished* = 7 *Figures that needed bases finishing from 2024

Figures painted = 6

Figures reworked = 0

Terrain finished = 2

Terrain reworked = 0

Vehicles finished = 0

Vehicles reworked = 0

Figures bought = 1

Terrain bought = 0

Vehicles bought = 0

That's all for now, and expect some Blog posts in the next few days. 

Thanks for reading and take care out there.

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