Sunday, 2 March 2025

Scabies Crew.

Hello and Welcome back to my bit of internet land. 

Captain Scabies lead her people from an oldworld Military Bunker. The bunker's aging systems had begun to fail, forcing them above ground. Upon emerging into the highly contaminated eastern wastelands, the survivors trecked for many days towards the radio signals from Last City. The chance to join the last remnant of civilisation was a stong incentive. During the journey the toxins and mutated creatures of the wastelands picked off the squad members one by one. 

Scabies Crew

By the time they reached Last City only 10 of the squad remained. By this time four of the team sported heavy mutations from exposure to the many mutagenic toxins still present on Mattblackgod’s world. Although Last City is largely mutant friendly, Mattius Black decided that this crew was too horrific to remain in the city. So he posted the Scabies crew to camp Skull at the edge of the ruins of Toxicity, five days march eastwards.

Captain Scabies

The crew's numbers slowly dwindled defending camp Skull from all the monstrosities that live in the highly contaminated ruins of Toxicity. Deciding that they weren't getting what they needed from Last City, upon a relief crew arriving at Camp Skull, Scabies lead her crew to the Weird place some 5 days march south. They now run a salvager camp in the weird place.

Squad sniper and medic

Mattius Black has ignored the desertion as there is some good salvage coming from the weird place. It is also a bonus that heavily mutated crew are even further away from the city. 

The heavily mutated squad members.

Mutant Doggy Doo, who was once human but upon fighting a rad Wolf, fell into a toxins pool in the wastelands clutching the beast. Some how the mutagens in the pool bonded some radwolf dna to the Trooper. He became a twisted pseudo man Wolf. The crew couldn't abandon thier freind and Doggy Doo's sensitive nose has proven useful in keeping the squad safe.

Scabies Crew are resin figures from is the Weird war Desparate Trench Crew by Ramshackle Games. 

Thank you for looking, 

Take care out there.

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